Growback - Pasture Protection Solution

Growback is an advanced solution, containing biological compounds and activators, promotes bio-stimulation for plant growth, while regenerating soil fertility, increasing microbial activity, plant and soil immunity as well as nutrient availability and uptake for long term sustainability.

More efficient mining of nutrients and water to the plant equals cost savings through improved soil fertility, minimising the need for other inputs.

mycorrhizal fungi growth

Promoting mycorrhizal fungi growth

Growback is a promoter of Mycorrhizal fungi which act as agents of nutrient exchange between soil and plant.  Mycorrhizal fungi have been associated with a decrease in root pathogens and increased tolerance of crops to adverse conditions such as heavy metals and drought.

Trials for the treatment of Pasture Dieback

Positive results from the applications of Growback to pastures adjoining dieback affected  land at Tairo Queensland prompted Global Boss International to undertake more comprehensive trials that began in April 2018 at Amamoor in Qld. It is hoped these trials will reflect the initial positive results seen at Tairo and provide a foundation for a treatment that will either slow of eliminate the spread of dieback through Australia’s pasture lands.