Global Boss International - Bio Organic Sustainable Solutions

Food security is critical to every country facing the prospect of diminished imports as a result of COVID-19. Increased emphasis on self-sufficiency and establishing reliable trade relationships with other countries has become the driver of change in food supply chains.

In addition to this, the long-term detrimental effects of traditional NPK agriculture are now being realized. Soil has been degraded and the nutritional content of food sacrificed in the drive to increase speed and volume of supply.

Global Boss International Pty Ltd (GBI) is an Australian owned company focused on the delivery of ‘Bio Organic Sustainable Solutions’ as to how the world grows it’s food.

It is well recognized that healthy soil is the foundation for good plant growth, but it takes time to reconstitute soils damaged by chemicals or adversely affected by nature.

GBI solves that time issue by rapidly promoting the growth of soil biology and efficient delivery of nutrients based on the simple premise that plants know what and when to access them and in what quantities they require.

GBI achieves this by

  • A practical “Farm Advisory” service based on a regenerative biological approach that addresses soil health and food nutrition as a foundation for improving food security.
  • Undertaking Research and Development of sustainable growing technologies that:
    • Reinforce food security
    • Regenerate the soil
    • Increase yield (and therefore profit)
    • Increase nutritional content (and therefore profit)
    • Improve water quality
    • Recover animal health
    • Increase soil fertility
Transition to a Sustainable Dairy Industry – Maleny Dairies project. Creating a better future for the Australian Dairy Industry.
On farm trials of RuralBossTM Bio Organically Sustainable Solutions for commercial application – Queensland, Australia
Global Boss International CEO Danny Hood

CEO Danny Hood ready to ship out a donation of RuralBossTM as part of the Global Boss International Queensland Flood Relief Program. 125,000 litres of RuralBossTM was delivered to flood affected farmers.

Cloud Forest, Gardens By The Bay Singapore
Gardens By The Bay. © Allie Caulfield

The world renown Gardens by the Bay in Singapore is a creation that demonstrates a synergy between social, economic and environmental elements. Global Boss International is proud to be a part of this iconic venture in sustainability.